My Top 3 Tips for Taking Your Family Photos

It’s that time of year again, when everyone scrambles to throw down some family pictures for holiday cards. In anticipation of the season, I’ve got a few tips here to help make those family photo sessions not only painless, but actually fun!

3. Don’t worry too much about what to wear.

While making an attempt to look your best is not a bad idea, you don’t have to look like you just hopped out of a Gap commercial. I encourage my families to consider both what’s comfortable and what represents you as you are. Are you all usually donning cool Star Wars shirts? Do that! Do you like to dress colorfully? No need to wear white! Want an excuse to get fancy in sparkly dresses and bow ties? Go for it!

All of this to say, do what’s right for you and your family. And if you want to let the kids dress themselves, I am so on board (even and especially if that means you’ve got a kid in a sequined dress and Hulk hands)!

Still think you could do with a little fashion inspiration? Check out my Pinterest board for family photo outfit ideas!

2. Don’t shy away from having your photos done in your home.

Don’t get me wrong, I love a good location. But there is something incredibly special about having your family photos taken in your home, where you live your day to day. The kids can show off their favorite things, play the games they play every day, pets that don’t do well out of home can get involved, and everyone can enjoy the comfort that comes with being at home.

We call it lifestyle photography in the biz, but what that means is getting proof of all the little things that make up your family life, and telling that story through photographs. So when you look back on your family pictures in 10 years and see your son’s favorite stuffed penguin or your daughter’s metal band posters on her wall, you’re transported back to that time in your lives.

See for yourself! Take a look at the S’Moores’ and Harmons’ in home family sessions!

And my number one tip for taking family photos is…

1. Take it easy and have fun!

Pay attention, fam. These aren’t just empty words. I can promise you the number one thing you can do to ensure your family photos are a success is to relax and let yourselves have a good time! I know it’s easy to get caught up in the details. You want the kids’ hair to be perfect, no stains on clothes, everyone smiling. But if I can encourage one thing, it’s to embrace a little chaos. Let loose, laugh openly, be ridiculous. Leave the cheese for pizza, and the “let’s just get this over with” for taxes. I promise, family pictures can (and should!) be a good time!

If you find yourself stressing over the little things, take a step back, remember that you all are who you are right now and that’s likely to change in at least some ways at some point. So embrace this chance to hold onto a slice of time. Let the kids know they’re allowed to have fun, and remind yourself you’re supposed to be having fun too!
